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Articles Coronary Artery Disease
The importance of iron as a trace element necessary for the life is beyond doubt. Iron ions are involved in ...
D. Khastieva N. Khasanov
Efficiency of remote blood pressure monitoring in outpatients with hypertension: a pilot project in a city ambulatory care clinic Short-term ...
Y. Sharapova I. Starodubtseva еще 56
E. Dudinskaya L. Machekhina еще 38
R. Myasnikov A. Bukaeva еще 75
Clinic and pharmacotherapy
Articles Clinic and pharmacotherapy
In mid-August 2020, new national guidelines for stable coronary artery disease (CAD) were published on the websites of the Russian ...
T. Novikova
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmias, which, according to recent epidemiological studies, is recorded in ...
T. Pavlova P. Duplyakova еще 2
Ischemic and nonischemic cardiomyopathies are currently the main causes of chronic heart failure (HF) with reduced left ventricle (LV) ejection ...
E. Goluhova B. Berdibekov еще 1
Currently, thrombolytic therapy (TLT) for pulmonary embolism (PE) is recommended only for patients with high-risk PE (evidence level IA), because ...
N. Cherepanova А. Podlipaeva еще 5